Passion Bonheur

Ours Petite Infirmiere

Translated title: "Little Nurse", a...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Printemps Charmant

Translated title "Charming Spring" is a...

Sales price: £10.50
Sales price without tax: £10.50

Product details

ABC des Biches

Translated title: "Deers' Alphabet", a...

Sales price: £8.90
Sales price without tax: £8.90

Product details

Ours Petite Gourmande

Translated title: "Little Chocolate...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Ours Petite Nageuse

Translated title: "Little Swimmer", a...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Jardin de Roses

Translated title: "Garden of roses", a...

Sales price: £11.90
Sales price without tax: £11.90

Product details

Atelier Bonheur

Translated title: "Stitcher Room &...

Sales price: £10.00
Sales price without tax: £10.00

Product details

Ours Petit Ecolier

Translated title: "School Boy", a...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Collection d'Ours

Teddy Bear Collection, a design by...

Sales price: £12.00
Sales price without tax: £12.00

Product details

Ours Petite Abeille

Translated title: "Little Bee", a...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Haute Couture

A counted cross-stitch design by...

Sales price: £11.90
Sales price without tax: £11.90

Product details

Ours Petit Chinois

Translated title: "Little Chinese Boy",...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Eté Ensoleillé

Translated title "Sunny Summer" is a...

Sales price: £10.50
Sales price without tax: £10.50

Product details

Rosée du Matin

Translated title: "Morning Dew", a...

Sales price: £8.90
Sales price without tax: £8.90

Product details

Ours Petite Douceur

Translated title: "Little Sweet", a...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Ours Petite Joueuse

Translated title: "Little Player", a...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Ours Petit Montagnard

Translated title: "Little Highlander",...

Sales price: £7.90
Sales price without tax: £7.90

Product details

Histoire d'Amour

Translated title: "Love Story", a...

Sales price: £10.00
Sales price without tax: £10.00

Product details

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