Red Shades
Miss Fraise
Translated Title "Miss Strawberry", a...
Pain d'Epices Rouge
Translated title "Red Gingerbread", a...
Coeur Chamonix
"Chamonix Heart", a counted cross...
ABC Alpage
"Mountain Pasture Alphabet", a counted...
Amour Toujours (Linen Kit)
Translated Title "Love Forever", a...
Jam Ribbon
100% cotton, made in France,...
Cherries Band (linen)
Band of 32 count white linen
Chilli Band (linen)
Band of 32 count natural linen
Reels Band (linen)
Band of 32 count white linen
Two-coloured Rickrack Braid
New product!
Le Petit Chaperon Rouge
Translated title: "Little Red Riding...
Coeurs Rouges I
Translated title "Red Hearts I", a...
Coeurs Rouges II
Translated title "Red Hearts II", a...
Moulin à eau
"Water Mill", a counted cross stitch...
Un Soir de Décembre
Translated Title "On a December...
La Maison Rouge
Translated title: "The Red House", a...
Haute Couture
A counted cross-stitch design by...
BC Sunbonnet Red
Decorative buttons in painted wood
Coeur Flocon III
Translated title "Heart Flake II", a...
Red Hearts Hanger
Red and gold festive hanger in wood,The...